In this Skill Share blog we take a quick look at how Jo and Tristan made their very own toga using old bed sheets. A neat activity for the family during lockdown! Follow the step by step to try it at home.
1) Find yourself a large white sheet. If you do not have one at home, you may want to try St AndReuse to get some for free.
2) Cut the duvet apart, and then fold it over to find the middle, then fold it over again.

3) Using a bamboo pole (or something similar) as your ‘compass’ to help measure out the sheet, cut a quart circle in order to get a big white circle of fabric.
4) You might have jagged edges but you can just tidy those up as you go.

5) Get your toga model to wear a white t-shirt and a belt.

6) Drape the cut sheet over the shoulders and tuck into the belt in a variety of ways and styles.
And there you have it, your very own dress attire to the next Roman soirée! “Veni, Vidi, Vici” or “I came, I saw, I conquered”… the art of toga making. Hope you enjoyed this Skill Share. Tried to make your own? Share your photos with us on socials using @TransitionUStA or email us