What is Meadows in the Making?

It is an exciting project to create wildflower meadows, and plant woodlands and hedgerows across St Andrews, Guardbridge and Crail, creating rich, attractive places for people and wildlife to enjoy. The project will transform more than 60% of the University of St Andrews’ managed land for biodiversity by 2035.

So far, meadow habitat has taken over 5 hectares of closely-mown grassland. Including Eden Forest and a green corridor from St Andrews to Guardbridge, 0.76 hectares of woodland and 2,600m hedgerow have also been planted. As a result, a variety of wildlife is returning to these important and threatened habitats.

The project also links in with Fife Council’s sustainable grassland management plans for the Fife. Across the University, St Andrews and the Kingdom, these changes in land management can better adapt to climate change and offer us a range of important services such as:


flood alleviation;

pollution filtration;

as well as high quality greenspaces for health and wellbeing.

Meadows in the Making will offer lots of opportunity to get involved in practical activities such as hay raking and seed gathering, wildlife surveys and monitoring, events and training.

To find out more or get involved, contact info@standrewsbotanic.org or visit Meadows in the making – St Andrews Botanic Garden. Our Upcoming Events will also be listed below.

This project is supported by the NatureScot Biodiversity Challenge Fund, and led by the University of St Andrews in partnership with the St Andrews Botanic Gardens, Fife Council, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust and Crail Community Partnership.

Impact So Far

Hectares of meadow

Trees planted

Meters of hedgerow planted

Green Spaces Gallery

Upcoming Events


There are currently no events.