Why litter picks?

Litter picks and beach cleans are great ways to care for our local area and wildlife. We have been hosting and supporting litter picking events ever since Transition began in St Andrews. They take place on the beaches, waterways and just about anywhere in St Andrews where someone wants to do a clean-up.

Loan our litter picking kit for free via Tool Share to run your own. The litter kit is the only Tool Share item you can loan using a Bike Pool Membership, which won’t cost you.

Click here to see the kit.

Impact 2022/23

This academic year we are putting more attention to recording the impact of litter picks all over town. There are plenty of individuals and groups running events but no one putting all the figures together. Here are the numbers from the events we are involved in or made aware about.

Join this Teams group to record your numbers, share events and find support in running your own event: Litter Picks St Andrews

Events Run

People Involved

Weight Collected (kg)

Litter Picks Gallery

Thanks to all who have shared photos with us including Plastic Free St Andrews, Surfers Against Sewage and the St Andrews Environmental Network.

Upcoming Events


There are currently no events.