Prices are determined based on the quality of the bike (Low, Medium, High, Special) and the length of the rental. A £70 refundable deposit is applied to each rental. Below the prices are the up front total you will pay.
Special Category Bicycles
1-3 Months
£100/pa + £70 deposit
4-6 Months
£120 + £70 deposit
7-9 Months
£140 + £70 deposit
10-12 Months
£160 + £70 deposit
Low Category Bicycles
1-3 Months
£45/pa + £70 deposit
4-6 Months
£60+ £70 deposit
7-9 Months
£70+ £70 deposit
10-12 Months
£75 + £70 deposit
Medium Category Bicycles
1-3 Months
£60/pa + £70 deposit
4-6 Months
£75+ £70 deposit
7-9 Months
£85+ £70 deposit
10-12 Months
£90 + £70 deposit
High Quality Bicycles
1-3 Months
£75/pa + £70 deposit
4-6 Months
£90+ £70 deposit
7-9 Months
£110+ £70 deposit
10-12 Months
£120 + £70 deposit