**With restrictions eased the Online Order Form is currently not in operation. If you are looking for items contact Transition@st-andrews.ac.uk to arrange a date to visit our storage**
It has taken for a winter lockdown for us to set this up. So far it has proven a really effective way to re-home the pre-loved but reusable stuff in our storage. If you have a look at the form and cannot find what you are looking for, do not worry. Write it in at the bottom of the form and we can check for you. You never know!

How Does it Work?
1) Fill out this form before Sunday 11.00pm
2) We will pack your order as best we can on Monday and Tuesday
3) We will deliver your order to you Thursday or Friday
We deliver orders locally within St Andrews via cargo bike. If your address is outwith St Andrews we will contact you to arrange a collection date.
Please email transition@st-andrews.ac.uk with any issues or queries.