Can you help make Transition happen here, in St Andrews ? By joining the Transition UStA steering group you can take action on a range of sustainability issues including travel, waste, energy, local economy, food and biodiversity.
So this is your chance to get involved!
Transition UStA Annual General Meeting Thursday 9th April 2015 5pm The Glass Class at the St Andrews Botanic GardensThe AGM will look to elect a new steering group to take these projects forward. We are a friendly, committed group of students, staff and local residents from all backgrounds and interests. If you are interested in joining or what to hear more about what this entails, feel free to get in touch with current co-ordinator Maria on
It will also be possible to stand for a position on the night.
Food and cake will be served after the AGM. Feel free to bring a dish if you want to share, but don’t feel any obligation, we will make sure there is enough for everybody.
Everybody welcome!