The gardens are beginning to buzz as they slowly are bursting with new life.  Signs of springs such as frog spawn, bumble bees and yellow daffodils is a sure sign that it is time to start sowing those seeds.    

While out in the Edible Campus gardens, we have now cleared out the last of the leeks, dug up the final jerusalem artichoke and have done a final push of weeding and mulching before the influx of transplants, sets, tubers, and seeds.

Indoors is a different story.  We have sown our seeds all over town. At the kernel you will see lots of modules filled with little seedlings for both the Urban Farm and Edible Campus Gardens like St Regs and Deans courts. At Andrew Melville Hall, we have taken over the front corridor where you can enjoy watching the seeds as they sprout before they are transported to the neighbouring ABH garden and other North Haugh sites.  The beautiful little greenhouse at Uni Hall is also begging to show signs of growth for their site and the centrally located St Mary’s garden has a mini greenhouse where seedlings such as lettuce, beetroots, peas and leeks are becoming fast established. 

There will be plenty more opportunities to get involved in seed planting at individual gardens such as at St Mary’s on Wednesday’s at 12:00pm or Friday at 2:00pm or in the greenhouse at The Kernel on a Wednesday and Thursday at 2:00pm or on a Sunday at 12:00pm. Please look at our events calendar on our website for more information and be sure to visit our facebook page: ediblecampusstandrews.

Andrea Roach