What: Veg bags – offered by Transition, cover a portion of veg for 1-2 people for a week (depending on how much you eat). They include potatoes, onions, carrots and a mixture of seasonal vegetables! Organic and local, all veg included is grown 20 miles away by Bellfield Organics – all for only £6.50 a bag!

When/Where: you can order your veg bag and other goodies through our online shop, THE TREE, here. You can then pick up your order every Tuesday from 14:30 to 1600 at the Student Association building where we will have a stall normally outside or in the main vestibule area (right as you walk in the doors) – if you can’t find us just ask a porter.

Why: Veg bags are a great way to eat locally and seasonally, minimising your personal impact on our environment – all while saving money. You’ll be supporting local producers and refocusing your diet to follow the seasons rather than consumer trends. Its a win-win-win… win.




If you have any questions,  don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more.

There is also THE TREE Facebook group to join: