So hopefully at some point this week you’ve chatted with someone about Transition’s work and are feeling highly enthused. If you’d like to get involved in the work of Transition, why not try our Volunteer Intern Programme.

Volunteer Picture


Last year we kept getting asked by people how they could get more involved in Transition on a more permanent basis.

We were super excited about your enthusiasm so set up the Volunteer Intern Programme to try and meet your needs. We know that some of you want to volunteer because you love the work that we do, others want to volunteer because they are looking to develop skills to work in this field, and some want to help us out because they are looking for the opportunity to hang out with the awesome Transition team (or at least we like to think so). Either way, we’ve designed the positions to try and maximise as many benefits as possible.

You can get some quick information on the positions by clicking on this Handout, alternatively more information, including descriptions of all the posts can be found on our Volunteer Intern Page.

If you’ve picked up a handout during Fresher’s week and are just looking for the application form, please click here. The closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday 23rd September 2013.

If you have any questions, please contact Lucy, our Volunteer Coordinator at


Ali is project manager of Transition University of St Andrews.