Upcoming Tree Planting Events Don’t miss out on the chance to get involved with two MASSIVE tree planting opportunities across this weekend and next week! Cambo Estate Eden Campus
A Transition Vision of a St Andrews Hub of Resilience
Transition AGM & Hubs of Resilience Workshop It was an evening of creativity, imagination and community joined by over 30 people. On top of voting in the new Transition steering …
Register for the Scottish Workplace Journey Challenge!
Register for the Scottish Workplace Journey Challenge! It is that time of year again when the Scottish Workplace Journey Challenge comes back around! We are inviting you and your workplace …
That’s a Wrap for Green Film Festival 2022
Our annual St Andrews Green Film Festival 2022 has finally come to an end. It has been so rewarding to bring environmental documentaries to our community as fully in-person, immersive …
World Wetlands Day!
Today is World Wetlands Day! Did you know that creating even a small area of standing open water in your garden or local greenspace can be the single best thing …
A Very Merry Christmas to All! Love, Transition x
A Very Merry Christmas to All! Love, Transition x Christmas is upon us and we here at Transition want to wish you all the winteriest of winters, the most festive …
Taking Action: Community Plants New Woodland
Taking Action: Community Plants New Woodland In honour of the recent COP26 conference in Glasgow, The St Andrews Forest, Meadows in the Making and the St Andrews Botanic Garden teams …
St AndReuse Secret Santa delivers a Greener Christmas
St AndReuse Secret Santa delivers a Greener Christmas Transition University St Andrews staff deliver free, personalised, second-hand gifts on a cargo bike for Christmas Transition University St Andrews staff took …
Light Me Up Before You Go Go…Bike Lights and Being Seen
Winter is coming, and that means its dark, pretty much all the time. For road users Winter presents a whole new range of potential hazards, and for cyclists, the most …
Climate Vanguard: Applications Are Open
Climate Vanguard: Applications Are Open Introducing Climate Vanguard, a St Andrews based youth-led think tank that educates young people on the systemic drivers of the climate crisis and advances the …
Grassroots Action for COP26
Will COP26 amount to the change we need to limit global temperatures to 1.5°C? In a years time, how will its legacy begin to shape up? Mixed emotions surround the …
Air Pollution (what is it and how does it affect me?)
In New Delhi, levels of particulate matter are so high that breathing here is the equivalent of smoking 50 cigarettes a day. In fact (at the time of writing), across the whole of 2021, there has not been a single 24-hour period in New Delhi where the air quality was considered to be at a ‘safe’ level for human health. Cleaning up the air in New Delhi to World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended levels could add an extra ten years to life expectancy in the city.