In March the Transition Steering group and Staff tried to bring together the last 3 years of work into one report and found it a difficult task. With hundreds of volunteers, multiple projects and a very active steering group our report just gives a flavour of what’s going on under the very broad banner of Transition UStA. If you don’t have time for the long read we have compiled a 2 page summary but that misses out much of the fun stuff.

Needless to say that a report like this is the work of many, many people who have over the years added their time, creativity and force to the movement. Some of the figures are pretty impressive which is a testament to everyone’s hard work in making transition happen here.

Transtion UStA final project report 2012-15 (8Mb)

Transition UStA 2012-15 Summary


Ali is project manager of Transition University of St Andrews.