Cycle paths are a vital step to helping people get out of their cars on on their bikes and this new study looks to start the process of creating a route between St Andrews and Crail. The route is seen as a priority for linking communities in the East Neuk with St Andrews and the existing Guardbridge cycle path and the study shows there is considerable support among local residents for a cycle path whilst landowners are mainly receptive and supportive.

We don’t want this study to sit on the shelf though and need your help to make the path a reality.

What you can do:

  1. Support from Fife Council is critical: please ask your local Cllr and MSP to support this route
  2. Share the study and “Like” the Transition facebook group to ensure you stay in touch with developments
  3. Join the Project steering group or sign up for updates from it

The next steps are

  • Set up a steering group of communities along the route
  • Prioritize initial phase of work based on ease and impact
  • Seek support from Fife Council on match funding and route negotiations
  • Ongoing discussion with landowner
  • Investigation into Funding

Feasibility of an East Neuk Cycle Route 2016

With much progress being made in Anstruther on a route from Pittenweem to Kilrenny there is a growing interest in making an East Nuek path that will replicate the successful Fife Coastal path for walkers. If you think this is a good idea then please lend your support by getting involved.

Contact Alistair at for more information and to sign up for regular updates or participate in the steering group.


Ali is project manager of Transition University of St Andrews.