IPPC report 2018 cover

The most recent in the long series of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports hit the headlines early this month with a warning that we only have 12 years to take action if we are to keep the world from warming beyond 1.5C. This most recent summary of research on climate change indicates that 1.5C target is both affordable and feasible but will require urgent and drastic action from governments, industries and individuals. At the same time it also warns that consequences of inaction and raising temperature to 2C will be more dire than previously expected.

Debra Roberts, a co-chair of the working group on impacts said: “This is the largest clarion bell from the science community and I hope it mobilises people and dents the mood of complacency.”

We have asked several people involved in climate action and environmental research in St Andrews about their take on the report and what they thought it means for us locally and for them personally. Below is a podcast with answers from Sam Woolhead, Ali MacLeod and Blanaid Barr from Transition University St Andrews, Anya Kaufman, from St Andrews University Green Team, and Tom Cowton from School of Geography and Sustainable Development.


You can find all our Community Share for Climate Care podcasts on Anchor here. They are also available through Apple Podcasts, Spotify and other podcasting apps.

Sam Woolhead