We had lots of requests for the Elderflower Cordial recipe served at the “no Impact Man” film the other week so thought we had better post it here (care of Azaharah).

  •  25 or so elderflower heads
  • Finely grated zest of 3 lemons and an orange ( used a lime in place of a lemon here) Plus juice of the fruit I KG of sugar or equivalent (  also tried out agave and maple which tasted good, doesn’t keep as long)
  • 1.5 L boiling water ( used spring water)
  • Pour the water over the elderflowers and zest, cover and leave over night.
  • Next day, strain and put the liquid in a pan with the juice from the citrus fruit and the sugar/sweet stuff. Compost the flowers etc.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  • Cool and pour into bottles/ Kilmer jar (sterilised bottles)

C”est ca!


Its somewhat late now for elderflowers with the dry spell but there are plenty of elderberries coming along! That means elderberry wine – lets us know your recipes from your foragings here and also potential spots for gathering on our map.


Ali is project manager of Transition University of St Andrews.