Its just one month to go until St Andrews celebrates all things ‘green’ in the series of community, staff and student events that is St Andrews Green Week. While there is no doubt that the world is facing some very serious environmental problems, sometimes we all find it difficult to believe our own actions can make a difference. Green week aims to create an atmosphere that is fun, engaging and supportive by focusing on the positive changes we can make together, and celebrating our successes. We’re gathering a list of events going on at and we’d like as many groups as possible to contribute.

Putting on an event doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do something BIG; for instance your weekly social with tea and cake could feature Fairtrade, local or organic produce. Why not pop some environmental-themed questions into your pub quiz, have an environmental or social theme for your film night, art class or lecture during Green Week? We just want to encourage you to incorporate sustainability and environment friendly activities in your usual group’s activities. So if you’d like to hole a Green Week event, please let us know about it through the link on so we can help publicise it for you. Last year we had 30 events listed – lets see if we can double that in 2014!

Get in touch at if you want to know more