The Guardian this month published an article linking time in green spaces or by bodies of water with better mental and physical health. It said that ‘green prescriptions’ or ‘blue prescriptions’ from doctors advising patience to spend time in nature were helping reduce blood pressure, anxiety and depression. And mental health charity MIND says the UK is facing a mental health catastrophe as only 10% of young adults love themselves completely (research from MIND and Direct Line) We need to do something and quick!

Physical activity is a good place to start addressing that and cycling is not only good for the planet but it’s good for you. British Cycling offer Five top reasons why cycling can help improve your mental health.

1. Exercise is good but doing it in nature boosts your positive vibes. So, get out the car and onto your bike to lower your blood pressure and improve your mental health.

2. Aerobic exercise reduces feelings of anxiety; so all exercise is good but low impact can reduce the stress on knees.

3. With The Lancet saying team sports are best for mental health riding socially must be up there right? So grab a friend on your cycle into work or join us for a social ride.   

4.  Cycling is a proven stress reliever. 15% more of people who ride a bike every day are satisfied with their lives than people who haven’t biked since becoming an adult.

5.  It’s easy to fit cycling into your daily life. People who cycle to and from work have a lower risk of feeling stressed, and research suggests making regular exercise a part of your lifestyle – like working it into a daily routine like going to work – can improve your overall mood and wellbeing. Cycle to work this week and we will reward you with £5 to spend on breakfast.

Andie Habeshaw