Low carbon hub


Volunteers are being asked to help break new ground at the St Andrews Botanic Gardens on

Sunday, May 22nd from 11:00 – 2:00 in an effort to create a community food growing space.

“Just as from small acorns do mighty oaks grow this first session will be about laying out and planting

up a range of vegetables that will available for the community to care for and harvest  throughout

the year” said Transition’s Edible St Andrews worker, Andrea Roach.  With interest in community

growing projects rising all the time this new space will be open to community groups and individuals

to enjoy working and growing together.

The new community food growing site is part of a space at the back entrance of St Andrews

Botanic Garden’s that will be developed over the next year through volunteer effort and funding

from the Climate Challenge Fund. The Low Carbon Community Hub project will include a Skillshare

shed and a vegetable garden with the aim of reducing St Andrews’ carbon emissions and developing

strong community links.

Volunteers are invited to come along and get involved in the development of the site and

help plant out the first crop of vegetables that were sown by the Transitions’ Edible Campus team in

their greenhouse shared with St Andrews in Bloom.   There will also be a craft tent, seed

propagating, refreshments and the opportunity to share ideas for the exciting new project.

For more information please email Ali : am296@st-andrews.ac.uk or Andrea: ar252@st-
