If you are up for picking or digging for your food there is no need to visit the fruit & veg aisle; it is all in the great outdoors right here in St Andrews.  We have grown and harvested over 640kg of organic, locally grown, no food miles fruit and veg this season! A big thank you to all the volunteers throughout the year who have helped dig, sow, plant, transplant, weed, water!

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Not sure where to go, what to pick and how?  Then come along to one of our regular garden sessions and meet the garden leaders who are more than happy to show you around, give you a trowel and share their favourite seasonal recipe.


The Kernel and Greenhouse at the St Andrews Botanic Garden

Wednesday 12 -2

Thursday 3 – 4

Sunday 12 – 2

University Community Garden : Wednesday 2 – 4

University Hall Garden : Wednesday 2 – 4

Albany Park : Thursday 12 -2

Agnes Blackadder Hall: Monday 3 – 4

Gannochy Quad: Saturday 12 – 1

St Gregs: Thursday 10 – 11

John Burnett: Friday 3 – 4 (Fortnightly)

St Regs: Wednesday 3 – 4 (Fortnightly)

Careers: Wednesday 10-11:30


There is still plenty more to eat from tomatoes and chillies in the greenhouse to kale, chard, cabbage and beans at the University Community Garden and Albany Park. The potatoes are ready to harvest at the Kernel as well as ABH and John Burnett – if you are lucky you can get your hands on our salad blue or violeta varieties which make the most beautiful purple mashed potato.   If you are passing by the Careers Centre or St Regs there are also some delicious apples still waiting to be picked.  Coming soon are parsnips, leeks, jersulem artichokes, Brussel sprouts and more kale! There are lots of apple trees around St Andrews and this is the time to enjoy their bounty. Apple trees are also at the Old St Leonard’s Orchard and there are a few apples left at Stank’s Park Orchard (or were last time I checked) the Apple trees at the back of the English department are looking good.


To keep up to date join the facebook groups linked  above or email Andrea (ar252@st-andrews.ac.uk) or Helena (hks3@st-andrews.ac.uk)


Zoom into St Andrews to find all the gardens on this map: