We are back to another disrupted start of a semester which has sadly impacted the re-start of the Interhall Environment Competition. This month’s theme was originally all about litter picks around halls, waterways and beaches. With so many students unable to run yet, we are swapping the months around making February the month of #GreenArts.
The challenge: for hall residents to create art through either eco-friendly means or to send a eco-friendly message. As fate would have it, Fife Contemporary contacted us no more than a week ago about a new online exhibition, Resolve to Make it New:
“Fife Contemporary’s partnership with StAnza 2021 is a celebration of the items that have literally been made anew during the past tumultuous year, through darning and mending in all its forms. This online exhibition will include images of these rescued and now cherished objects, as well as short poems that look at the theme of making new in its widest sense.” – Fife Contemporary

A fitting message at an appropriate time. Instead of reinventing the wheel, the Interhall Environment Competition will be supporting this art exhibition encouraging students to submit pieces of their on.
The best part? Transition has allocated the competition a total of £300 in prize winnings for this month. Art submissions from hall residents will be judged and the top three pieces will be awarded: £150 for 1st place; £100 for 2nd place; and £50 for 3rd place. The prizes will go directly to the resident’s hall committee budget to spend on environmental and sustainability initiatives.
If you would like to take part or simply have any questions, contact us – transition@st-andrews.ac.uk