Winner of the St Andrews Travel Challenge Louise Blackman  challenged herself to cycle to all of her classes, despite the weather. 

St Andrews student Louise Blackman Environment Representative at David Russell Apartments has been presented with her prize of a Fit Bit. She explains what she did to win the £100 plus item and why she entered. 

  1. Why did you enter the St Andrews Travel Challenge? 

I entered the challenge because I already cycled to most of my classes and I wanted to see how many miles I did in a week. I also wanted to challenge myself to cycle to all of my classes, even the early morning ones or when the weather was miserable!

  1. How did you hear about it?

I saw the posts on Transition’s Facebook

1. Why did you enter the challenge?
I entered the challenge because I already cycled to most of my classes and I wanted to see how many miles I did in a week. I also wanted to challenge myself to cycle to all of my classes, even the early morning ones or when the weather was miserable!

2. How did you hear about it?
I saw the posts on Transition’s Facebook

3. What did you do to win it? (ie what activities did you undertake)
I cycled to and from all of my uni activities that week. As I live in DRA and had at least one lecture or tutorial in the town centre every day, the miles stacked up pretty quickly.

4. What does it mean to you to win a fit bit?
The fit bit is really nice, and it has definitely encouraged me to walk or cycle somewhere so that I can get my steps up.

5. Would you recommend others to do the challenge?
Absolutely! It can sometimes be difficult to find time to exercise and go outside during the semester, so doing the challenge allowed me to get moving in the fresh air every day.

The competition is over but the challenge is still on. Join the St Andrew Travel Challenge here: